Refresh Your Room - Space & Editing Tips

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Refresh Your Room - Space & Editing Tips

What a fun idea.  Jennifer Rizzo is having another one of her fabulous Refresh Your Room parties.  It is always fun to take a fresh look at one room and see what you can do to give it a fresh new look.  

I thought I was going to be replacing my sofa and the leather recliner with another leather sofa, chair and ottoman in luggage tan leather.  (you can read about that fail here)  I mis-judged the scale of those pieces and how larger scale furniture can overpower a room.  So I set out to scale down what I have and refine this space a little.

I love a good before and this is the best shot I have of this space.  It is hard to get a straight-on shot, the room isn't very wide, plus the room is full of windows, so it gets a ton of light.  Note all the end tables, especially the large gate-leg table between the two chairs.  (I didn't have the horse picture yet in this shot.)

Here's another one when I first got the  horse painting.  Again, this room is pretty much wall to wall with furniture. There is only inches between table and furniture if that.

Sometimes the best refresh is just to edit and delete.

 I like having plenty of lamps and sometimes that mean lots of tables too.  I thought I could remove one end table and give the space a more open feel and a little breathing room.  Out went the large gate-leg table and in came a floor lamp. ( I moved the end table that was between the sofa and leather chair to the window wall and replaced it with the floor lamp.)   I still have light, but now there is open space and the whole room feels lighter.

 Looks like the furniture fits the room even better.  As I deleted, I took a look at all the accessories.   I removed the throw and only did 4 pillows on the sofa.  Less is more, right?

 I thought maybe I could edit even further.  I took the rug away.  It gives a more clean line to the room without marking off one space.  (As you can see, these shots are taken from behind the kitchen island.)

 I like the changes.  The space looks a lot more airy and open.  Now I may go back to more is more one of these days, but for now, I like this.

One last refresh.  I couldn't resist changing out the black and gold pillow for the "hello" pillow.  It just adds some fun and whimsy to the room.  

When I was trying out the tan leather sofa in here, I did notice that aside from it being too big and over stuffed,  the color seemed to jump out at you.  I think the light beige sofa just blends in with the wall, so it doesn't seem to take up visual space at all.  It's almost not there - a trick of the eye.  (So if you have a small room, match the sofa to the wall color and it will disappear.)  Another lesson learned when I ever look to buy a new sofa.

You can check out all the other party links here on Jennifer's blog.

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