I Went Shopping - Closet Organizing

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I Went Shopping - Closet Organizing

I love to do a little retail therapy shopping now and again.  (Hubby probably thinks I do way too much of that.)  Not true, I am still on track with my new years savings goals, so this stays within budget.

My house has nice size closets in the bedrooms, however any other storage is practically nill.  I have the world's smallest linen closet, so I need all the help I can get.  I have one of these wire shelving units on my kitchen pantry door and it is a total lifesaver.  It practically doubles my pantry space. (Well almost)  So I thought I would look for one for the linen closet door.  Now my problem is size. That whole door is only 171/2" wide.  I know, I said it was the smallest linen closet in the world.

There are all kinds of these shelving systems in wider widths, but I only found one that was small.  One that is 12" wide will fit that tiny door just right and hold all kinds of things like toiletpaper, paper towels, light bulbs, bar soaps, shampoo, first aid supplies and so much more.
                                     Adjustable 12"wide 8 shelf unit

See that tiny door, that is our linen closet.  I told you it was small.

Ok, don't judge,  it is really, really small and it is really, really full too.  So first thing is to purge some of those linens.  Then to get organized.

The shelves are all adjustable, so I can't wait to set it up for my personal needs.  It should be here next week, so on to all the purging and cleaning.  Time to take everything out throw away what is worn or donate what I don't need anymore.

How about you, are you still in a cleaning & organizing mood?  Tell me your secrets for your linen closet storage, I need all the help I can get.

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can't wait to see you there.

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