Organizing - The Master Closet

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Organizing - The Master Closet

Seems like everyone is busy cleaning, purging and organizing. I have been cleaning and it seems like it is endless. I have no idea why everything seems so dirty. With all the cleaning I have been purging a little too. Closets are a favorite place to start and usually a place that needs the most purging and organizing.

Last year I did a complete makeover of my Master Closet for the One Room Challenge. It has been so nice to have a really organized space to use everyday and so easy to keep it that way.

If you're new here you may have missed that post, or if you saw it there are still some great tips and ideas to use if you are working on your closet.
Here are a few highlights.

No fancy built-in systems, just an average closet with builder grade shelf and hanging rods, but you can make it really functional and pretty with a little bit of creativity and a lot of purging and organizing.

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