New To Me Blogs - Need Some New Inspiration

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New To Me Blogs - Need Some New Inspiration

I love finding "new to me" bloggers and being inspired by their diy and decor projects.  I've recently found a few that I thought you might like too.  

1. Home & Fabulous was started in 2014 by Lizbeth Carrillo.   Her style is chic, fun and daring with a touch of elegance.

She turned her daughter's old room into this fun and fabulous Guest Room using paint, paint and more paint with a few diy projects.

This was the before - Huge Change wouldn't you say.

I also enjoyed her post about how she organizes her kitchen.

2. Designing Vibes is full of before and after's that will totally impress you.  Erica got rid of her cookie cutter new build for a fixer-upper ranch and has been busy turning it into a warm and inviting home.  She will amaze you with her vision.

I am positive if I saw this before room I would never have imagined the after.  Light, bright and so wam and inviting.

The transformation of the outdated kitchen will totally impress you too.

I love her dining room and just look at that ceiling.  (That chandy is totally amazing also)

Have you discovered any new to you blogs lately?

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can't wait to see you there.

If you like Thrifty & Chic on a Budget like me, I would love to have you follow me on any of the following.

See behind the scenes on Instagram

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