Black-Silver & Gold In The Master

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Black-Silver & Gold In The Master

Wow, it seems like the house was twice as dusty and dirty after Christmas as it usually is.  I have been cleaning and it still doesn't feel clean.  We are doing a ton of work in the backyard.  Grass and dirt is being tracked in everyday, but it will so be worth it when it is done.

In the meantime, I think I have the bedroom clean, so time to fluff things a little bit.

After Christmas I am craving calm and quiet.  It seems like the world was in a color burst and noise everywhere.  

Now don't get me wrong, I love all the fabulous colors of Christmas and the music playing all over the place just warms my heart.  However, I am ready for rest, quiet and calm.

I started to redo the master bedroom and found that I really liked the simple black and white that I had going on, so I just added to it a little.  

We've had rain and dark cloudy skies for a week, so seeing the sun shine in this morning just warms my heart.  I am totally a sunshine girl.

 Adding these two silver pillows and one fabulous gold one was all I needed to make the bed special.  Simple and uncluttered and quiet.

                      Aren't the jewels on this pillow stunning.
           I love the detail and taht gorgeous ombre velvet is amazing.

                 Add a fabulous mink throw and this is pure luxury to me. 

 This throw is the most yummy-soft-cuddly throw ever.  I love, love, love it.  My daughter gave this to me a few years ago and it is definitely one of my favorite accessories.

 How can you not smile when you see all the sparkle and shine on the dresser.                             The sun shining in the window is so magical.

                             You know I love me some gold, sparkle and shine.

A really super simple redo after Christmas.  I don't think you have to totally reinvent the wheel all the time.  Simple changes work wonders.

                     Even basic black and white can be full of character.

Tell me, are you still into color are do you want some quiet too?
I'll probably want color next week but this is perfect for now,  you know how that goes. haha

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can't wait to see you there.

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