Christmas Morning - Before & After

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Christmas Morning - Before & After

I always love a picture of the tree when the stockings are stuffed and right before everyone wakes up and the chaos starts.

My first cup of coffee and the peace and tranquility of early Christmas morning.  Just me and the tree.  Everyone else is asleep.

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve at my daugher's house with most of the family there. 12 in all, we have a pretty big family.   I know, I took my camera and was so busy visiting with grands that were home from out of state and didn't take one single picture.  We had a fabulous evening and tons of good food, laughs, memories and presents were exchanged.

Round #1
My youngest son and his family called in sick Christmas morning, so we did presents with my oldest son, hubby and I.   We managed to make a pretty good mess all by ourselves.

The guys got tools, electronics and clothes.  I got spoiled as usual with something fun for the house.

How fun is this going to be to play with.

Presents and stockings back under the tree for when my son and his family get well.

Round #2 - Saturday Night

My youngest son and all the grands came with presents for the next round. 10 for dinner with a fabulous Prime Rib -  So fun.

It's always so fun to watch the newest addition to the family.  Since all the guys play, of course he got his first guitar from grandpa.  Looks a little big, but actually it is a 1/2 size, perfect to learn on.

Then there is always some serious talking and eating going on with Papa.

I got most of the mess picked up before I thought to get a picture.

Since they brought 14 guitars, we ended with a jam session.  I didn't get a pic of that, it was my turn to play with the baby, so I was busy.

Hope your Christmas was as fabulous as ours.

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can't wait to see you there.

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